Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Employ Positive Self Talk Consistently

Self talking is way to rearrange your thoughts. Never be ashamed that you need to talk to yourself.

Successful personalities all over the world use positive self-talk to help them to move on. They encourage themselves, give themselves surprises and presents as forms of positive self support. When they face problems, they do not falter easily. Their positive self-talk give them much confidence and prod them to move forward bravely.

Consistent positive self talk can help you, even when others leave you alone to struggle in what you believe in. Tell yourself consistently that you are able to solve a problem. Tell yourself that you are able to do what others could.

Believe in your abilities positively. Believe what you want others to believe about you. Positive self-talking will change your perception of yourself.

Make your words sell!


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Stop Pretending You Don't Have A Problem

Everyone has problems. Problems never stop knocking on our doors, unlike opportunities. Yet, we all like to pretend that we do not have any problems. We just prefer the carefree life. Are you one of ‘us’?

Well, pretending that problem does not exist is not going to chase the problem away. Once there is a problem, you need to face it. Nobody can teach you how to solve a problem. Every problem has its own level of difficulty. You need to be resourceful to solve it.

All right, get some help if you want. But, you need to solve it before moving on. Procrastination is not going to solve the problem. Do not wait till the problem becomes a large part of your life as by then you will lose all your strength and purpose for life itself.

Solve your problems as soon as possible!

Make your words sell!