Sunday, October 26, 2008

Stop Keep Wishing You’re Someone Else

Have you wished that you are ………? It is not something to be ashamed of. Every one of us has been wishing we are someone else, once a while.

It is not so healthy to your mind and soul to think that you are someone else everyday. When are you going to be yourself?

If you live your life as someone else, you would never have the chance to do what you want to do! You have to live up to the expectation of other people.

See what you have wasted if you keep wishing you are someone else every day:

- Time (wasting time to dream about things you do not have)

- Goals (have to adopt someone else’s goals)

- Effort (waste effort to realize other people’s goals)

- Money (waste money to keep up a lifestyle you cannot afford)

Finally, when you finally wake up to your own senses, ……. You’re aged! Your excuse for not able to achieve your own dreams is …… “I’m too old for that!”

So, live for your own true self, now!


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dare To Be Different

When I was growing up, the slogan ‘Dare To Be Different’ was very popular. Back then, my teenage friends liked to hang out together and they were often seen wearing T-shirts with the same slogan splashed boldly on the front and back! I was the only one who seldom wanted to hang out with them ……. All because I was different!

These days, when you are considered as different, you are treated as one different person altogether. People will brand you names. Parents will forbid their children to go near you. Sometimes, even your own family members will think that you are weird! However, the truth is, there is nothing to lose to be different!

To ponder: Why people choose to be different from the crowd?

The answer is, of course

- They make choices and possibilities to expand every day.

- They have the courage to face the fears and go beyond the fears that bound them.

- They look forward with enthusiasm to the day ahead.

- They have the strength to overcome all challenges.

- They acknowledge their own creativity and power of imagination.

- They took responsibility for their thoughts and actions.

- They trust their own ability to create abundance.

- They recognize their true self-worth.

You can also choose to be different. Nobody can stop you. Life cannot stop you too. Instead, your life is waiting for you to be different from other people's!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Am I a Failure?

Yes you are, because your self-concept says so. Be serious! Your self-concept is very important.

When you start being suspicious of your abilities, your self-concept is not strong. You expect failures!

In every task you are assigned, remember that people expect you to fail. You may not think that way, but it is true. Behind that sweet smile, behind that 'I can count on you' look, there is the 'you are a failure' thought.

Well, it is up to you to form your own self concept. You set your own ceilings. When you think you are a failure, you will fail. No matter how much effort you have put in the task.

The task here is, can you readjust your self image again? You still have many choices because life is about options. Being alive is an option. Expecting failure is another option. Since you can choose to fail, you can easily choose to succeed too.

When you have failed (because you have expected it, remember), do not go around and repeat this phrase "Who? Me? A Failure?" Yes, you are because you wanted and begged for it.

Your self concept is low and you expect only failures. Being humble is good. But, being too humble is a waste of your living effort!

So, recompose your self concept again..... No ceiling is too high but any ceiling can be too low!

Documents Make your words sell!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Could Have, Might Have, Should Have

'Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of life contains three descriptions; could have, might have and should have.' - Louis Boone

Isn't that just any normal man would describe himself?
I could have .....
I might have .....
I should have ......

However, when one starts to live in these unrealized thoughts, one will never move forward. Yes, indeed failures make us nobody. Living in failure only reminds us that we could have, might have and should ..... but never really have had!

Start living in reality. Do things you want to do. Many people fail everyday. There are many still who made it. You will too, if you start doing something positive instead of lamenting what you 'could have, might have and should have' IF you are successful!

Make your words sell!