Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Who are you – the listener or the talker?

When I was young, I listened to every grown-up I met. My parents said children ought to listen more than talk. I took the advice by heart. I listened politely as the grown-ups rattled on and on. Some of their stories were quite interesting. However, some just loved to complain.

Growing up, I came to understand the value of ‘more listening than talking’. A listener learns more than the speaker. Listening helps us to discern between right and wrong. The rule of ‘two ears and a mouth’ means that we must listen twice more than we talk. A good listener is actually a silent flatterer.

What did succesful people do that made them instoppable?

No guessing. They listened. They listened to know what others want. They listened carefully to every complain they received. They did not once make any comment or criticism because they did not have to. They showed to others that they cared because they listened. They learned what others missed.

A talker likes to listen to his own voice. The louder he talks, he lonier he will be. In the end, the has landed himself in hot soup! It is just like a child would say, “When you open your mouth too long, your brains will fly out!”

Learn from the wise owl :

A wise old owl sat on an oak,

The more he saw the less he spoke,

The less he spoke the more he heard,

Why aren’t we like that wise old owl?


Make your words sell!