Thursday, October 2, 2008

Could Have, Might Have, Should Have

'Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of life contains three descriptions; could have, might have and should have.' - Louis Boone

Isn't that just any normal man would describe himself?
I could have .....
I might have .....
I should have ......

However, when one starts to live in these unrealized thoughts, one will never move forward. Yes, indeed failures make us nobody. Living in failure only reminds us that we could have, might have and should ..... but never really have had!

Start living in reality. Do things you want to do. Many people fail everyday. There are many still who made it. You will too, if you start doing something positive instead of lamenting what you 'could have, might have and should have' IF you are successful!

Make your words sell!