Sunday, February 10, 2008

Stop Being A Victim

We are victims of our own doings and thoughts. We are living in fear as victims.

Victims are always afraid of rejections, as if being rejected means they are worthless. Some of the victims even take it so personally that they lost their lives’ direction.

To avoid rejection, a victim chooses not to ask. Even if he has good intention to do something, he does not ask favours from others. A victim always has a superstitious fear of rejections.

Today, we are going to step out. We are going to make requests and ask favours from people around us. We must accept the fact that people may not be able to fulfill our requests. There are people who will say ‘no’ to us. However, these are not rejections.

Sometimes, our requests are just too ‘impossible’ for them!

So, go out and stop being a victim. Make requests and be thrilled even if the answers are ‘no’!