Thursday, February 14, 2008

Stop Using the Word ‘TRY’

This is a very common word – TRY.

“I’ll try doing that later.”

“I’ll try to wash this.”

“I’ll try to ……”

These are some very common sentences we hear utter by people around us, including ourselves, consciously or unconsciously.

This ‘try’ word always comes with words like ‘later’, ‘tomorrow’, ‘next time’ or words that denote afterward, not now. This then follows by procrastination.

Whatever goals we have set for ourselves are not achieved because our excuses are summarized into a single word …. ‘try’- we are just ‘trying’. We would not be disappointed even if we did not do anything at all. Everything is so simple when we use the word ‘try’!

If you are going to say, “I’ll try to stop using ‘try’.” You will end up trying many times and there will be no stop at all. Just say, “I’ll stop using that word.” Period. That is one less word to say!