Monday, March 31, 2008

Remember That You Have Done it Before

Have you tried to do something but failed? Many people would not dare to try at all because they are afraid of failure. Nobody is immune from failures. It will happen to anyone.

Doing something for yourself is a serious thing. You want to get the result of the deed. That was why you do it.

Remember, people see you as ‘doing’ and not ‘trying’! ‘Trying’ is either an effort or just an intention. ‘Doing’ actually brings you closer to what you want. ‘Trying’ keeps you away because of fear of failure.

Even if you failed, you have done something!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Say “I’m Sorry” Willingly

Pride makes a person refuses to utter these two simple words.

You know you are wrong when you are wrong, so own up. Excuses cannot replace these two words – “I’m sorry”.

Say it willingly and sincerely, many times if need to. You have to put pride aside to seek after the ‘peace’ you need in your heart.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Look At What Is Still To Be

Stop looking at what might have been, should have been, or could have been. Doing that will cost you your precious time.

If a broken heart occurred, let it be. If a failure happened, let it be. Hanging onto thoughts like ‘what might have been, should have been, or could have been’ are like trying to mend the walls of Jericho.

Look around you, there are still many things going on for you. The world is still a beautiful place to live in.

Stop grumbling, and move forward!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Turn Your Scars into Stars

All of us have very scars, mementos from our unhappy past. Scars are ugly, and they stuck on year after year, refused to go away even after some major ‘plastic surgery’.

Our scars tell how strong we are, for having to wade through those horrible times that may not be meant for someone else. You may cover scars on you face or body, but that is no way to cover the scars in heart. These scars either make you or break you! Let the scars be your experience. Let them be our guiding stars!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Forgive and Forget

Some once told me, “Forgive them who wronged you, but forget not what they did!” I thought it will be a good thing to remember what that someone did, even though I forgave them. However, it is not the same.

To forgive means to wipe out all memory of the wrongs people did. They are now on the same level as you. It is very difficult for anyone to admit that they have forgotten. But that is the sweetest revenge! Imagine the person’s face when he/she is told that you have forgotten what happened in the past, all his/her effort was wasted for nothing!

These days, I practice forgiving and forgetting the past. I learn to forget the events and eventually the people as well. So, now I live as happily as I want.

Don’t be angry if I don’t recognize you one day!